Patent Drawing Process
About Us is an exciting new website dedicated to being "The
multimedia solution to your advertising / marketing needs...
Although patent drawings have gone digital, successful
patent drawings still require (3) skills, Artist Rendering, Mechanical Drafting
skill and knowledge of US Patent Office Drafting Standards.
3DRAM's standard process of creating "patent drawings" of
objects include:
Step 1 - Creating a digital solid model of
the item.
Step 2 - Writing out or creating digital
renders or views of the solid model in jpg or pdf format for inspection and
Step 3 - Creating or writing out line
renders (line drawings) in pdf or jpg format from the solid model.
Step 4 - Adding mechanical shading to the
line drawings and in some cases adding the description numbers.
Step 5 - Finalizing by writing them out as
a pdf or jpg for printing.
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Because 99% and possibly 100% of "patent drawings" require multiple
changes, the process listed above is faster and thus more economical than the
previous methods of drawing them by hand on a drafting table or on computer with
a 2D drafting package.
Also to be considered, since photos, digital solid model, line art, pdf
and jpg are already created, these may be used for brochures, assembly
instructions, advertisements and movies.
Visual Process
Pictures are taken of the item
for reference purposes.

Next, a three-dimensional
model is made.

The model is used to create a
two-dimensional, "shaded and labeled" patent drawings.

Using the three-dimensional
model, we can now make sample images or video to help promote your product.

Patent Drawing Samples